Monday, September 15, 2014

Chocolat Mexicain

I finished Chocolat last nite and posted her but it didn't take. so I'll do it again.  I only have to paint the sides and top of the canvas.  This is Art Nouveau-- Alphonse Much.  I love his posters.  I hope I have done them justice.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

WIP for FAF Art Noveau

This year as I said before  it is Art Deco and Art Noveau.  This is Chocolat Masson.  Not quite finished. Almost there.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


My friend and fellow Co-Op Artist reminded me that I forgot to mention the fact that the Arcadia Opera House Artists of which I am one are exhibiting at the Goff Gallery  for the entire month of September until October 3rd.  This Co-Op actually has 14 artists but only 9 are exhibiting this time.  The Goff Gallery is located in the Visual Arts Center on Maud St. in Punta Gorda Florida.  It is a marvelous exhibit and shows some extremely talented artists.  Please stop by and take a look.  I'm sure you might find something you would like to take home!!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Ruby Red Almost Finished

I'm just about finished but had to hurry on to the next painting.  I'm so far behind schedule because of all the medical problems I've been having with my back, shoulder and neck.  So I started #2 and thought I'd finish Ruby Red later.  Just a little clean up, I think!  I hope!

Monday, July 21, 2014

New Work In Progress (WIP)

Well, It's that time of year again.  The Fine Arts Festival is beginning to start up and this year we are doing something different.  Art Deco, Art Nouveau "Sensuality meets Symmetry"-- Flowery vs streamlined art.  They have decided not to honor one artist but to honor and era.  So the artists will have free reign to be very creative this year.  We will see how this works out.  I have chosen Alphonse Much.  I'm going to paint 2 of his posters "Precious Stones, Les Rubis" and "Chocolat Masson". I am just starting them now.  They must be done in Oct. for the Pot Luck dinner when our Pictures are taken so I best get on with it.  Unfortunately, I'm incapacitated with a bad right shoulder and can't work very much now so I have to take it slo right now until it gets better.

Monday, May 19, 2014

New Painting 2nd Try

This is the second time I'm doing this painting only this time I've made it larger and I've changed it from black and white to a dark ruby , kind of a black maroon. I have added some cream colors also. I sold the other paintin and hope to sell this one which doesn't require a frame. Look at the previous one and see which one you like better and let me know.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Finally working again

Yes, I'm finally back into the swing of things and putting a little effort into my artwork.  The FAF is getting into gear again this year too.  This year they have decided to do an Era rather than an Artist.  They have chosen Art Deco.  Which is Art from the years 1920-1930-1940.  A lot of posters and architecture,furniture, and modernistic things.  The digital artists,sculptors and jewelry people will have a ball. We are only allowed to do two things this year.  I will participate.  It is going to be a challenge.  I'm posting a pic of a 1/2 colored pencil 1/2 pastel I did of a Golden Retriever.  I call it "My Toppy" or "Top of the Mornin" after our dog because it looks a little bit like our last Golden Topper.